Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 11-Superflat

Ironically, I feel like I have the least to say about Superflat art despite the fact that, aesthetically, it appeals to me more than any other genre we've covered in class this semester.

Superflat is a movement started by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami.  It takes its primary inspirations from animation, comics, cartoons and video games; basically, pop art that utilizes flat, 2 dimensional color schemes. 

From what I've read and the pieces I've seen, Superflat seems to be more about a specific visual presentation than about subject matter.  Murakami intends for much of his work to provide commentary on consumerism, and generates work specifically for commercial use (Louis Vuitton handbags being an example).  Other artists work within the style to explore issues of sexuality or personal identity. 

Superflat art uses bold colors, linework, graphic design elements and comic book/animation inspired character design.  It frequently references popular culture.  I used these basic tenants as a launching point when banging out a few self portraits, trying to emphasize the same characteristics. The first is a parody of pop culture icon "Bob's Big Boy", the second was my attempt at an animated cartoon character representation, the third was trying to make something that appears as flat as paper, and for the last I went for the brightest, most obnoxious color palette I could imagine in sort of an 80's album cover homage.

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